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Free downloads to support creators, produced by House of Oktober or together with partners.

Creativity as a Career: The Field Guide for Artists
A book + activity cards set developed under creative commons, and free to download. Produced in collaboration with El-Art. The book can also be purchased as a softcover book.
» Download Creativity as a Career (PDF, 16.1 MB)

What should be the name of the ISSP 2019 publication?
A book of questions and insights developed during the International Summer School of Photography in Latvia 2019, themed “Photography and the World,” and free to download. Produced as part of an editorial team in collaboration with ISSP. The limited edition book can also be purchased from ISSP.
» Download the ISSP 2019 book (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Self-publishing Toolkit: Pricing Calculator
A free downloadable spreadsheet that you can use to test out your pricing model for (self-)publishing a book. You can define your edition, retail price, and expected expenses, and this tool will calculate the projections of your profit and at what point you can expect to break even.
» Download the Pricing Calculator (Google Docs)

Creative Retrospective
A form that you can use to reflect on the way your creative life and work are unfolding, to better guide the way forward.
» Open the Creative Retrospective (Google Forms)

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