House of Oktober is an independent arts publisher of books and websites that inform, support, and inspire artistsRecent PublicationsEmotion Mixer (Pre-Order)€12.95Milk Art Journal Complete Set (Volumes 1, 2 and 3)€60.00Milk Art Journal, Vol. 3€22.50Milk Art Journal, Vol. 3 (e-book)€5.00FavoritesCreativity as a Career: The Field Guide for Artists€8.50Unique houseofoktober What's new from @houseofoktober, an independent arts publisher in the Netherlands Coming soon.. the Emotion Mixer! A new tool for ar An #interview with @oktobernight on #artistmothers Registration is now open for the Rencontres Arles @oktobernight spoke with @junomagazine for an inte Follow on Instagram